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What are stocks?
Stocks are securities issued by a company aiming at attracting additional capital from investors. They, in turn, purchase stocks at the market price, with the prospect of further growth. The better a company is doing, the more expensive its stocks are. The higher their price, the more profitable deal the investor made. However, if the value of securities after the acquisition begins to reduce, the investor suffers losses, because he bought them at a higher price. Initially, stock trading was impossible without actual purchase of the asset, i.e. the securities themselves. Over time, CFDs were introduced to make this market available to a wider audience. Contracts for Difference, i.e. “CFDs” appeared in the early 90s. They allow private traders with small capital to make transactions on changes in the market value of metals, indices, energy resources and other categories of instruments, including forex and stocks. Stocks trading involves immersing the trader in the news on those companies that are selected for making deals. These could be Apple, Coca Cola, Facebook, JPMorgan, IBM, Netflix, and others. It is important to follow what is happening in the world – this allows you to understand the main global trends. Also track indicators data for the country in which the selected company operates (head office and production).
What is the essence of Forex trading?
Basically, Forex trading is the exchange of one currency for another. The client sells one currency for another at the current market price. To trade, the client must open an account and deposit some money in currency A, after which the client exchanges currency A for currency B – either for a long or short period. The ultimate goal is different for long-term and short-term investments. Forex trading is carried out with currency pairs (i.e. the quote of one currency is given relative to another). The first currency in the pair is called the base currency, the second is the quoted one. For example, EUR / USD 1.2345 quote represents the price of the euro expressed in dollars. This quote means that 1 Euro is 1.2345 USD. Currency trading is conducted 24 hours a day, starting from 22:00 GMT Sunday to 22:00 GMT Friday. Trading is carried out in the largest financial centers of the world – London, New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Paris, Sydney, Singapore and Hong Kong.
What stocks exist?
The stock is the most popular security, which confirms the owner’s right to a part of the property of the corresponding enterprise with the receipt of dividends from profits. Stocks fall into two main categories:
  1. Non-privileged securities. Such stocks provide the holder with the right to participate in general meetings of shareholders and receive dividends in the usual distribution. These assets are the main object of purchase and sale on the stock market.
  2. Privileged stocks are usually distributed among the founders of the company and persons close to them. They provide an opportunity to receive dividends and claim the property of liquidated companies on a priority basis.
To understand the prospects of investing in stocks of young companies, it is worth reminding that at the start IBM securities were worth only $ 1. Today the stocks of this international corporation are quoted at $ 150 per stock. Thus, in less than 30 years, the stock has grown 150 times, generating a solid annual return for large shareholders. And these are far from record growth rates, which, if the right decision is made, can become a source of powerful personal capital. Of course, stocks are not growing as fast as they are, but this stock asset is distinguished by its high stability and dividend payment.