
PBO Invest Team

Our company regularly searches for specialists on various vacancies around the world. Following the principles of equal conditions and opportunities, we welcome candidates with diverse experience from all over the world.

Want to join PBO Invest Team?

Please email your resume to info@pboinvest.com. We are looking for candidates for a wide variety of positions and, even if the vacancy you are interested in is not in the current list, we will save your resume and contact you as soon as a suitable position appears for you.
IT and web development
QA Engineer (automated and / or “manual” testing) We have open vacancies in the project trading platfroms testing (Web & Mobile versions) of our own development.
IT projects manager
Collection, identification and analysis of requirements for the development of new and revision of existing functionality. Development and approval of technical specifications, tasks decomposition and control over their execution.
Full-stack Entwickler
Teilnahme an der Entwicklung von WebTrader und MobileTrader Applikationen mit der Verwendung von React und React-nativen Technologien. Entwicklung von Hilfsdiensten mit node.js.
Traffic manager Entwicklung und Implementierung der Strategien für den Traffickauf (Facebook, Google usw.). Analyse der Statistiken und Verbesserung der Leistung von Werbekampagnen.
Website-Promotion und Entwicklungsstrategie. Kontrolle über die Positionen und Statistik der Webseite.
Finanzen und Buchführung
Assistent der Brokerabteilung Monitoring des Handelszustands und der Kotierungsinfrastruktur. Datenanalyse zu den Handelstransaktionen der Kunden.